Word Scramble

Enter up to 14 letters with 4 blanks - (Use ? or space for blanks)

Welcome to the Word Scramble Ninja! Here, you can solve scrambled words to find anagrammable options and win your next scrambled Scrabble game.

How to Use the Word Scramble Ninja

What is a word scrambler or word jumbler? A word scrambler or word jumbler is a tool that takes scrambled letters and rearranges them into meaningful words. For instance, you might enter the letters ‘NABSNANA’ and our tool could unscramble words like BANS, ANNA, and BANANAS. In a word scramble game, a player wants to search for anagrams and words out of their jumbled or rearranged letters. It can be a challenge to rearrange the jumbled and scrambled letters, but that’s what makes the game fun!

Instructions for how to use our word scramble/word jumble tool:

  1. Enter your scrambled letters into the search bar. Enter your scrambled letters into the bar at the top of the page. These should be the letters you have available for play in your game. You can enter up to 14 scrambled letters and 4 blank tiles. To mark blanks, use a question mark or a space within your letters. From this point, you can either jump straight to the results by hitting enter, to see your unscrambled results, or you can set advanced parameters for your unjumbled results by using the advanced options menu.
  2. Decide if you’d like to enter starting or ending letters. If you’d like, our tool allows you to enter specific letters that an unjumbled word starts with or ends with. You can enter one or more letters into this box out of your scrambled letters. For instance, if you had the set of letters ‘NABSNANA’, you could choose to start the phrase with ‘B’ or ‘BA’ and see what comes up. You can do the same for the ending of the word.
  3. Decide if you’d like to enter a pattern of letters contained in the word. Our tool also allows you to set patterns of letters within the word, which can guide the unscrambling process. To choose which letters the word contains, simply enter several letters into the ‘contains’ box, making sure to use underscores to indicate when you would like a space between the letters. Keep in mind that the more parameters you set, the fewer unscrambled words meet your specifications, and if you enter a high number of parameters, you might find our tool is unable to rearrange a meaningful anagram, or word scramble, from your random letter tiles.
  4. Choose your dictionary, or game. Our tool includes words that are valid in a bunch of word scramble games, including Words with Friends, Scrabble US, Scrabble UK, Word Chums, or all of the above. Choose which dictionary you’d like to use from the drop-down menu. This will tell our tool which unscrambled results to display — as not all words are present in all gaming dictionaries — and also help our tool tally up the points you get for rearranging and unscrambling each word.
  5. Choose how to sort your results. Our tool allows you to sort results by length or by points. Use our drop-down menu to decide how you’d like to see your rearranged words displayed.
  6. Decide if you’d like to show points. Our tool can show you how many points each unscrambled word is worth in your selected game. If you would like to show points, make sure to click the checkbox beside the ‘Show points’ text.
  7. Click the green search button. Hit the green search button at the lower left corner and you will be taken to a separate page where your unscrambled results will be displayed.
  8. If you’d like to clear things and start again, click the grey ‘clear’ button. This can help you start fresh if you want to change your mind, or if you have different jumbled words you would like to rearrange and descramble.

More About Word Scrambles

Not all word scramble games are called ‘word scrambles’. Some are called word jumbles, word anagrams. An anagram is a word that can be formed out of the letters of another word or phrase. Examples of anagrams include ‘dog’ and ‘god’, ‘rose’ and ‘sore’, and ‘iceman’ and ‘anemic.’ Some anagrams are more sophisticated than others. They are also perfect anagrams, which use all the letters of the original word, and imperfect anagrams, which use only parts of the original word. 

Examples of Word Scramble Games

Specific examples of rearrangement games include Scrabble, Words with Friends, and Wordscapes, just to name a few! Word scramble games really test your vocabulary, because they force you to rearrange letters into words even when you don’t have great tiles. Sometimes, you might have to make words entirely out of scrambled vowels, or might have to use uncommon letters like Z or J! An added challenge is that different unjumbled words are worth different point values. For instance, shorter words are worth less points than longer words.

For example, the 10-letter word SALAMANDER is worth sixteen points in Words with Friends. But the 8-letter word ADRENALS is only worth 11 points in Words with Friends, the five-letter word ALDER is only worth 7 points in Words with Friends, and the three-letter word ADS is worth a measly four points in Words with Friends. Likewise, SALAMANDER is only worth 13 points in Scrabble, ADRENALS is only worth 9 points in Scrabble, ALDER is only worth 6 points in Scrabble, and ADS is only worth 4 points in Scrabble.

 That means, the more tiles that you can string together in a single unscrambled word, the better you’ll do and the closer you’ll be to winning! 

Nobody wants to have to cheat at word games, but sometimes you might get stuck! Still, you don’t want to always get stuck in the future, so it’s best to practice your rearranging and jumbling skills before you play a scramble game.

What Else is There?

Word Scramble Ninja has more than just our Word Scramble tool! While you’re here, check out our other tools, including our Definitions and our Word Lists.

  • Our Definitions section will help you to define all the tricky words that might pop up during your next scramble or word game. Just click the ‘Definitions’ tab at the top of the page, then enter the word into our search box and hit return. Our tool will show you the definition of the word, and also supply you examples of how to use it in a sentence. This will be sure to come in handy when someone plays an anagrammed, jumbled word and you have no idea if they’ve really rearranged a word scramble or if they’ve just made up a word!
  • Our Word Lists can help you study for your next Scrabble game, or come up with ideas of words to play if you’re stuck. Again, just click on our tab in the top right corner of our homepage. Right now, we have lists of 2-letter words, 3-letter words, and words that contain Q but not U, all of which can be played at your next word scramble. Study up on these words and you’ll be sure to have an edge at your next game when you’re trying to rearrange the jumbled letters!

Welcome to the Word Scramble Ninja

How to Use the Word Scramble Ninja

Write about what this tool is/what a word scrambler is

Write about how to use this tool

(Write up includes advanced settings)

  • Starts With
  • Ends With
  • Contains (m_t)
  • Which Dictionary to choose from
  • Sort By

What Else is There?

While your here, check out our other tools including Definitions and Word Lists.

  • Briefly write what Definitions is but not in a lot of detail
  • Briefly write what Word Lists is but not in a lot of detail

What is Word Scramble Ninja

Word Scramble Ninja is a three-in-one tool that can help you unscramble letters, look up definitions, and discover words lists.

By using Word Scramble Ninja, you can do a variety of things! Use our scrambler to beat your friends in Words with Friends, Scrabble, and Word Chums. Look up words in our dictionary and impress your family with your expanded vocabulary. You can also peak at our word lists so you can beat anyone in various word games. The Word Scramble Ninja can help you steathily become a word wiz and all your friends will be none the wiser!